Pets and Mental Health

This study poses and interesting question. Does owning a pet lead to future cases of schizophrenia?

Any pathogen can certainly add another "stressor" which can be involved in the development of allergies, mental health or immune system issues. All three of these issues rely on the same metabolic activities that generate crucial biochemical components in response. So this study, while raising awareness of new external stressors has the same limitations as virtually ALL of the medical literature in failing to identify how a stressor mechanically interacts with physiological functioning.
The view of studies like this one in medical literature mixes causation, interaction and correlation. So where do I start explaining how this article gets it both right and wrong? Let me start with trying to explain the outcomes of metabolic health. If someone has a healthy metabolism that is fully functional then the neural maintenance and immune functions create a physically resilient person. These persons likely have no physiological vulnerabilities indicated by overreaction or non-reactive responses to pathogens nor does it lead to neural and the followup mental health issues.
When exposed to Toxoplasma or Pathogens (described in the article) healthy individuals develop new immunities that actually increase their immune response. In that case a cat, dog or other pet would be responsible for broadening their immunities and they would be more resilient. The idea that children playing in the dirt develop healthy immunity is not unfounded. The healthy metabolic person then has less medical and mental health care expenditures (as other studies confirm too) over their lifetime.
I realize that medical research is laying the foundation for selling a vaccine or medication that will allow you to "own a pet" or "walk in a grassy field" without "fear". I propose that metabolic health becomes your vaccine or medication because if facilitates the healthy response that hardens your resistance to such stressors. This is why ortho-molecular approaches are NOT financed by medical interests. Orthomolecular approaches reduce the need for both medication purchases and medical treatment. If you do not want vaccines and you do not recognize the impact of metabolic health then then only way to avoid illness (mental or physical) is to live in a large plastic ball and pump in oxygen so you are not exposed to a pathogen stressor ever. This study does identify specific pathogens that some people get. They opine possible deleterious impacts. We agree and that have that part right.

Why is it that some people are vulnerable and others not? Where are the blood checks for histamines and metals and nutritional complexes that make people vulnerable to such pathogens that produce allergies, immune system dysfunction and mental health issues? You can be rest assured those topics will not be discussed in medical literature as they lead to no treatment. What profit is there in no treatment? I do agree that there are stressors out there that are biological, chemical and emotional and that this article details another stressor. What about the root cause? What is the source of a dysfunctional response? If everyone has healthy metabolic functioning how are you going to sell the vaccine that is funding your studies? Who wants healthy resilient people anyway?
