Can a person take too much B-6 and harm themselves?
Yes. Excess B-6 almost NEVER happens but it is possible. Large doses of B-6 for more than a year can cause nerve damage and resulting loss of control of bodily movements. Other symptoms may include painful, unsightly skin patches, extreme sensitivity to sunlight, nausea, and heartburn. ALL of the symptoms are reversible with a B-6 reduction. No permanent damage is documented from even the largest doses of B-6 even for sustained periods over a year.
Below is a chart of highest consumption values suggested for those who a metabolically healthy.
A metabolically healthy person who is consuming sufficient B-6 in red meat, poultry and fish already has enough B-6. In addition intestinal balance of healthy microbes will help the body by producing additional amounts of B-6. A healthy metabolism uses B-6 for brain development, function and maintenance. The presence of B6 in the blood assists in producing dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine which help the brain control intellectual function, emotions, impulse, mood and regulate the body clock. There are additional benefits as medical studies indicate B-6 may also ward off macular degeneration.
A person under stress and prone to pyroluria (a genetically inherited trait) will eject zinc and B-6 in urine. The B-6 they consume and produce combined with this atypical ejection may result in less than enough to meet their needs for B-6. A person may have a shortage of intestinal microbes that also fail to contribute to the presence of available B-6. Those who consume alcohol will deplete B-6. In such situations additional B-6 is required to recover or maintain good mental and emotional health.
A metabolic panel that examines urine content of kryptopyrroles can be used to determine if a person has a dysfunction such as pyroluria. Those with pyroluria eject B-6 and require more zinc, B-6 and B-12 to compensate for the loss. The only way to determine if pyloria is an issue is to do an analysis of the urine. Guessing is not knowing.
How can we prevent overdosing on B-6? Get a urine analysis! Do this at least once a year and do not take more B-6 and P5P than the protocol directs. Check for the urine at LEAST once a year and respond accordingly to consumption of B-6 supplements based on this information. Those with pyroluria will need more because of the presence of a genetic predisposition.
Protection from Excess Nutrients
The overuse of supplements (especially metals) is a huge problem among those who are "guessing" and implementing nutritional protocols without the use of urine, blood and mineral checks. I can not emphasize enough (learned the hard way) that "guessing" slows recovery, can increase symptoms and the cause both physiological and behavioral issues to worsen. Metals can result in negative symptoms over much shorter time periods so adherence to protocol is highly recommended.
The best remedy to avoiding overdosing nutrients is to get the metabolic analysis done by a competent laboratory with the precision needed to determine if you are actually deficient and NEED the nutrient being consumed.
Orthomolecular treatment requires time and discipline. One of the criticisms of the orthomolecular approach is that "solving problems" and "eliminating symptoms" takes time. The body can only absorb, in a healthy manner, a certain amount of needed nutrients each day.
When a year of nutrient protocol is completed every person should obtain a new metabolic panel. Those with pyroluria should get urine checked for kryptopyrrole count every year or more frequently as needed.
If you are following prescribed protocol, getting blood and urine checks once a year and avoid excess nutrients then you are acting in a prudent and informed manner.
Response to Those Concerned about excessive nutrient consumption:
Carefully performed tests of blood, urine and hair help avoid overconsumption of nutrients that mitigate recovery or harm health. Once a person returns to healthy metabolic levels the supplements and and nutritional enhancements may end or you may have a condition that is life long like pyroluria that requires supplementation indefinitely. Careful diagnosis, ongoing analysis and appropriate supplementation is competent orthomolecular treatment. The goal of a good program is to generate a healthy metabolism that needs only the right diet and requires minimal supplements based on need.
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